Training Workouts: Fartleks

The strange sounding workout "fartlek" comes from a Swedish term meaning speed play + it's the perfect way to get ready for the race season + improve your overall speed + stamina. The basis of the workouts is a segment where you run faster than or close to race pace with a short recovery after + repeat. Coach Jay over at NIKE Running has a great post on fartlek workouts here. Here's a clip:

I would attempt to run your goal 5k pace for two minutes (which, if you think about it, shouldn’t be that hard…it’s just two minutes); then run for three minutes at a pace that is faster than your easy-day pace yet slow enough for you to recover from the two-minute “on” portion. These three minutes comprise the “off” portion. The “on” and “off” make a five-minute block of running that you simply repeat over and over. No reason you can’t build up to 40 minutes of running in this manner, which gives you 16 minutes at 5k pace. That’s good work, especially if, during the course of the workout, you can gently speed up the pace of the “off” portion.

There's more great content after the jump at the link above so be sure to check it out + give our NIKE sponsor some love.


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